25 Sep 2020

Some of you guessed it already: all videos the past eleven days were our countdown to this special day. Herzeleid turns 25 today!

While waiting for an official announcement, to celebrate this special anniversary we worked together with RammWiki.net and created a website with some exclusive content: Herzeleid25.com. We were able to get exclusive interviews from Carl-Michael Herlöffson, one of two producers of the album, and the one who invented the now well known Rammstein sound: mixer Ronald Prent.

More exclusives include some concerts videos in an unrivaled quality, the listening of demo tapes, the finally complete lyrics to the Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehen? demo "Bringer". Also even more lyrics to the unreleased song Tier 1994.

Go through Herzeleid25.com and you will find a lot of new stuff and info, not available on Rammstein World. Have fun with this. We hope you enjoy this just as much as we do!

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