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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

Vous pensez qu'on peux valider Super Classic Bells sur Omnisphere 2 pour la version live et Chemicals de Massive pour le studio ? Pour moi c'est évident que ce sont deux sons différents ou alors un octave plus bas pour le live, pourquoi ce choix ? Aucune idée 🙄

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Pour moi c'est le même en live et studio, peut être avec effets lors du mixage, mais c'est le même avec un octave en dessous en live. 


Pourquoi utiliser un preset en studio et un autre différent en live ? je vois pas d'intérêt.. ?

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Il y a 2 heures, Atomiiik a dit :

Vous pensez qu'on peux valider Super Classic Bells sur Omnisphere 2 pour la version live et Chemicals de Massive pour le studio ? Pour moi c'est évident que ce sont deux sons différents ou alors un octave plus bas pour le live, pourquoi ce choix ? Aucune idée 🙄


Super Classic Bells est le preset utilisé en live c'est sûr et certain. Apès on ne sait pas non plus pour l'instant si Flake a utilisé Massive sur l'album, mais pour Omnisphere oui

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Il y a 11 heures, Hokkaido a dit :


and also the Clavia Nord Lead (the synth during Sehnsucht?!) 


It could be a new hope for us to find sounds from Sehnschut album (buck dich, sehnsucht's acid bass..) !



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I think all the "elastic" and "cold" synth lines from Tier (especially the Live intro),

Bestrafe mich (Live aus Berlin, last chorus), Engel (synth in the Middle Part),  

Kokain, Das Modell or Küss mich (02:15, right before Die Zunge kriecht jetzt aus dem Mund) are the same synth. And the Nord Lead would fit perfectly! 


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Not really a new insight, rather a confirmation that the AMERIKA synth solo was done with the Logic Pro ES plugin: The new Knorkator album has a synth solo which sounds almost EXACTLY like the one in AMERIKA and i asked, yes, it was done with the ES1 synth. 

As for Richards garage sale....look at the stuff, it shows that someone knows his handiwork, very high quality pro equipment. 

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Some more stuff from Back In Time Record's Big Bang:



All variations from the Engel screech


Synth drum kick after "Gott weiß ich will kein Engel sein..."


Radio static noise in the chorus of "Der Meister"


Whip cracks in "Rein Raus" (bridge before Guitar solo)

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Rammstein used a sample from Spectrasonics "Symphony of Voices" and they did not indicate this in the album booklet. Perhaps that is why the sample was not found for a long time.

Library "Spectrasonics - Symphony of Voices", Disc 2 "Classical Soloists & Choir FX". Partition E -> 01 MISERERE -> Sample "MISERERE REV".

I leave the audio recording: part of the original sample -> part of the sample pitch 3 semitones down -> original song -> left sample channel, right song channel -> full sample.



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Il y a 3 heures, Perdolin a dit :


Rammstein used a sample from Spectrasonics "Symphony of Voices" and they did not indicate this in the album booklet. Perhaps that is why the sample was not found for a long time.

Library "Spectrasonics - Symphony of Voices", Disc 2 "Classical Soloists & Choir FX". Partition E -> 01 MISERERE -> Sample "MISERERE REV".

I leave the audio recording: part of the original sample -> part of the sample pitch 3 semitones down -> original song -> left sample channel, right song channel -> full sample.


MISERE REV.wavUnavailable

It's actually "Choral Fx from Hades" from Spectrasonics Omnisphere.


The Multi uses this as a waveform but this is the preset Flake used. There is no mention of "Symphony of Voices" because it wasn't used on LIFAD.

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3 hours ago, SkullX2 said:

It's actually "Choral Fx from Hades" from Spectrasonics Omnisphere.


The Multi uses this as a waveform but this is the preset Flake used. There is no mention of "Symphony of Voices" because it wasn't used on LIFAD.

Choral Fx from Hades and MISERERE REV were mixed. 
MISERERE REV starts on 00:27 of the original composition. I showed this in the audio example on vocaroo.

upd: loaded samples and their mixMISERE REV.wavChoral FX From Hades.mp3MIX - СHOIR FX - MISERE REV.wav

Edited by Perdolin
add samples mix
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