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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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Question  bête pour Omnisphere ya plusieurs type de base de donnée ? Car par exemple je retrouve bien les presets pour Radio et Weit Weg, par contre je retrouve pas ceux pour Zeig Dich :(

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

il y a 20 minutes, Cynique a dit :

Question  bête pour Omnisphere ya plusieurs type de base de donnée ? Car par exemple je retrouve bien les presets pour Radio et Weit Weg, par contre je retrouve pas ceux pour Zeig Dich :(


C'est essentiellement sur Omnisphere 2, ceci expliquerait cela je pense.. Tu est sur le 1 ? Mais Radio et Weit Weg c'est sur Trilian, ton interface est bleue ou rouge ? :huh:

Edited by Atomiiik
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Ah c'est bien ce que j'pensais, merci ! Et oui je suis sur le 1, ca doit faire au moins 5 ans que j'ai pas réellement touché à mon clavier... J'voulais m'y remettre en faisant une instru de Zeig Dich, tant pis ^^

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il y a 37 minutes, Cynique a dit :

Ah c'est bien ce que j'pensais, merci ! Et oui je suis sur le 1, ca doit faire au moins 5 ans que j'ai pas réellement touché à mon clavier... J'voulais m'y remettre en faisant une instru de Zeig Dich, tant pis ^^


Pareil pour Ramm4, la majeure partie sauf Ghost Of The Burned Piano sont dans une extension EDM Spotlight d'office présente dans Omnisphere 2

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everybody how you doing, my name is Alancio, I´m from Mexico, I was working in some tracks for a Rammstein Tribute Band that I have and I really thing I found the Preset of "Puppe" for seconds 00:05, 01:38 and between 02:35 - 03:00 the preset it´s SPOOKY LEADS  from Omnisphere 1, I hope it works for all of you...

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On 6/29/2019 at 1:32 AM, Atomiiik said:

Two weeeks ago i tried a Nord keyboard in a showroom, there is on it the same lead as Ausländer.. Also tonight in Paris i saw him played this riff slowly and then added a filter effect from the left side of the control board.. Maybe the exact sound is from the Nord library and not Omnisphere (Not sur finally if the preset in the first page is good because we know Flake add probably never effects on the synths in studio and the End Of The Worldliness patch need some distortion effect to sounds a bit like Ausländer)


By the way i will get the Korg X5Dr in my hands tomorrow and i will check it tomorrow or this sunday ^_^


you are mistaken. it could be very well omnisphere 2. why? omnisphere 2 features HARDWARE INTEGRATION. that means, they created control presets for a chosen, still expanding list of hardware synths. and, to add icing onto the cake, they add certain signature patches of those hardware synths into omnisphere 2. now let's have a look.

well, FUCK. its not one of those. :D 

but still, i am almost dead sure that that it's the patch used in the song. flake only added some distortion and a bit more portamento to it. 

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Remontons un peu dans le temps.




La voix robotique sur 5/4 épelant "RAMMSTEIN" [E-Lab X-Static Goldmine>Partition I>TRACK 98-01>9801 ROBOVOX]




Les cloches d'églises sur Hallelujah [Ilio TranceFusion>LAZ:Laser Stabs>LAZ:Waver Bell]

Edited by SkullX2
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il y a 24 minutes, SkullX2 a dit :

Remontons un peu dans le temps.




La voix robotique sur 5/4 épelant "RAMMSTEIN" [E-Lab X-Static Goldmine>Partition I>TRACK 98-01>9801 ROBOVOX]




Les cloches d'églises sur Hallelujah [Ilio TranceFusion]

Je viens de découvrir que cette fameuse voix epelait Rammstein.. -_-


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday i was checking my olds SCSI disks of Rammstein presets on the ASR-10 and i found this B-Slow Pad, used for Kokain.


Ensoniq ASR-10 {CD4>AS11+12 SNTH>AS-11 SOUNDS>B-Slow Pad}.


Edit: I use the effect: CMP+DIST+REV to recreate the good effect like in Kokain with those parameters:


DIST GAIN IN: 50 / OUT: 31.

DIST LPF: 65 / HPF: 1.



Here is a TEST of the intro / solo part, to me if you keep the DIST GAIN IN parameter to 65 -> 70 it sounds like the Mein Herz Brennt solo from 2016 to 2019 (Live Versions), i will try this soon.



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Il y a 12 heures, Synth_Lead a dit :

I’ve looked for the Sex intro in Omnisphere but just can’t find it...


someone did?


No, but for the solo i think it's Spaceman Cheesehead just remove the Smoke FX to get the same sound or a sound not far from the original (I'm not sure it's the real one Flake used).

Edited by Atomiiik
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Il y a 11 heures, Synth_Lead a dit :

I’ve looked for the Sex intro in Omnisphere but just can’t find it...


someone did?

When sex was played in Barcelona it seems to be a sound like choir, its very interesting i love this sound.

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Il y a 5 heures, mustang29 a dit :

When sex was played in Barcelona it seems to be a sound like choir, its very interesting i love this sound.


Ok I just found it, it's Classic Super Bells from Omnisphere 2 !


The studio version and the live version are played at two different octaves, I first played the studio version then the live version :



Here is a video of the live version where you can hear it well



For the solo I just tried the preset Three VCO Lust which needs the Trillian library in Omnisphere, we can hear in the live version up here it's clearly a big dirstorted lead and it is played on several octaves (I think it's playback live). The sound of this preset is reaaaaally close when you play it well. (I gave it a try haha)




Edit : Could also be Omnisphere 2 > Unisonic Lead

Edited by Synth_Lead
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