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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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@Hokkaido I don't know but maybe.. This album sound "Full Omnisphere" i will search this later..


What about the Ooh Boys preset (Choir in Tattoo) ? For Ausländer i just added a bit distortion effect on the synth in every part of this preset lead / bassline.

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

il y a 1 minute, Atomiiik a dit :


@Hokkaido I don't know but maybe.. This album sound "Full Omnisphere" i will search this later..


What about the Ooh Boys preset (Choir in Tattoo) ? For Ausländer i just added a bit distortion effect on the synth in every part of this preset lead / bassline.


All choirs should be Siedlaczek or Symphony of Voices again...?! 

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il y a 2 minutes, Hokkaido a dit :

All choirs should be Siedlaczek or Symphony of Voices again...?! 


I'm not sure for this on this album, for Radio he use the same choir like in Haifisch but in Tattoo it sounds different and a lot like Ooh Boys from Omnisphere. By the way, the string section / orchestral part during the Dam-Dam riff on Puppe remind me the Rammlied presets from Seidlaczek 

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Arc Angel 2 for Weisses Fleisches 1996 intro / CIRCULATOR and HEARTTHROB samples from Rammstein intro in 1998 are added to the first post ^_^

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The second synth in Auslander, the bleep one who's the same score as the main lead synth riff:


Irritating Fat Blobs: Trilian add-on, what do you think of this ?

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Il y a 4 heures, Atomiiik a dit :

The second synth in Auslander, the bleep one who's the same score as the main lead synth riff:


Irritating Fat Blobs: Trilian add-on, what do you think of this ?


Do you have an Audio sample? 

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Je n'ai rien trouvé du côté des Synth FX sous Omnisphere.. Par contre les strings de Puppe sur les Dam-Dam me rappellent ceux de Rammlied, il faudrait fouiller Peter Siedlaczeck's plus en profondeur je suppose ^_^

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Hi guys


I found something very curious, the sound of the countdown that Rammstein uses before beginning his concerts.


There are many recreations of Rammstein songs on YouTube, but so far I have never seen a recreation of the "countdown".


Any idea where to find this sound?


Could someone recreate the "countdown"?


Guys, what do you think of this?


(00:20) (00:23) (32:10!!!) (32:24)




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Il y a 1 heure, Frank Cranck a dit :

Hi guys


I found something very curious, the sound of the countdown that Rammstein uses before beginning his concerts.


There are many recreations of Rammstein songs on YouTube, but so far I have never seen a recreation of the "countdown".


Any idea where to find this sound?


Could someone recreate the "countdown"?


Guys, what do you think of this?


(00:20) (00:23) (32:10!!!) (32:24)





My guess is a standard Sound library like Hollywood Edge or Sound Ideas. 


The sound itself is a simple Triangle or pitched Square waveform

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bonjour les garcons! 😛

i know, its rrrammstein territory here, but hey, i found the intro patch from XIX by slipknot by total coincidence! 


its 4th dimension from absynth! 

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Je sais pas si la question a déjà été posée mais on a dit que l'effet utilisé sur Hallomann était le même que celui de Das alte Leid, mais je trouve que sur Hallomann le début de l'effet ressemble à celui de Mein Herz brennt au moment ou le coeur s'enflamme.. 

Non ?

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Tu as raison. C'est joué avec son Ensoniq ASR10 qu'il a gardé depuis les débuts de rammstein.  Cet effet de distorsion assez specifique est propre au ensoniq.


Utilisé sur MHB, wo bist du, FIP...

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Il y a 6 heures, Atomiiik a dit :

Anyone search something in thr Korg X5D soundbank ? (Mutter Tour) ^_^


One day I will buy this thing! 

It's kinda cheap and can be used as MIDI trigger.


Found a CD from the Synthline series... But it only has a few presets... 


Looking since years for a good and complete Preset rip 😕

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il y a une heure, Hokkaido a dit :

Found a CD from the Synthline series... But it only has a few presets... 


Looking since years for a good and complete Preset rip 😕


I saw a sample pack from it on ebay.n Maybe it will works


Hollywood Studio String Section: Puppe strings ?

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