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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

4 hours ago, Hokkaido said:


How to mute them? 😅

If you have access to Logic... Could you check the ES2 synths for Keine Lust (the rattling effect behind the guitars?) and the Amerika solo? 


just click on that little S symbol on the left to the track you wish to hear "S  olo" ;)

and hey, good idea. i will look for it. however, the AMERIKA solo comes off to me as a "regular" keytar sound. but we'll see. then again: i do not know jack shit about logic, i do not know how many extensions or extra packs there are for it and if my employer has "only" the factory logic X pro library. 



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il y a 33 minutes, Fleischgewehr a dit :


just click on that little S symbol on the left to the track you wish to hear "S  olo" ;)

and hey, good idea. i will look for it. however, the AMERIKA solo comes off to me as a "regular" keytar sound. but we'll see. then again: i do not know jack shit about logic, i do not know how many extensions or extra packs there are for it and if my employer has "only" the factory logic X pro library. 




Oh, I see. The function is disabled on mobile. 

It's similar...but the original ITDW sound is more "fluid" and "glitchy". But I'll try several filters on the Roland Echo Drops next week.


The ES2 was a standard preset synth in Logic but maybe they changed it...Reise, Reise is already 15 years old...damn,

time's running. 


Another thing I can't get off my mind:

What synth was used in Feuer frei? My first thought was a TB303...but it's still different. Edgy and bubbly.

Never heard anything like that again. Maybe it was a Virus or Nord Lead...


A Virus B was definetely used during the Reise, Reise and Rosenrot era and a Clavia Nord Lead was allegedly used during Sehnsucht. It is known for its fat and cold synth sounds and maybe it's the hardware used for the live versions of Weisses Fleisch, Engel and Laichzeit. They all share the same synth bassline which can also be heard in Das Modell and Küss mich. The odd keyboard solo in Alter Mann seems also very Nord-Leadish.


The thing is: Can't find a full Preset Show or a good preset rip. :/

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Il y a 7 heures, Hokkaido a dit :


Oh, I see. The function is disabled on mobile. 

It's similar...but the original ITDW sound is more "fluid" and "glitchy". But I'll try several filters on the Roland Echo Drops next week.


The ES2 was a standard preset synth in Logic but maybe they changed it...Reise, Reise is already 15 years old...damn,

time's running. 


Another thing I can't get off my mind:

What synth was used in Feuer frei? My first thought was a TB303...but it's still different. Edgy and bubbly.

Never heard anything like that again. Maybe it was a Virus or Nord Lead...


A Virus B was definetely used during the Reise, Reise and Rosenrot era and a Clavia Nord Lead was allegedly used during Sehnsucht. It is known for its fat and cold synth sounds and maybe it's the hardware used for the live versions of Weisses Fleisch, Engel and Laichzeit. They all share the same synth bassline which can also be heard in Das Modell and Küss mich. The odd keyboard solo in Alter Mann seems also very Nord-Leadish.


The thing is: Can't find a full Preset Show or a good preset rip. 😕


Also remember the synth track on Jacob Hellner's ITDW mix file was named "Talk", maybe there's a preset that has the same name in some synthesizers

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Il est pas chargé dans son asr tu aurais la led d'allumée sur le panneau instrument.. par contre je lis FX dual delays.. Il se sert de l'effet du asr et il joue en midi.. mais quel son je ne sais pas

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il y a 13 minutes, mustang29 a dit :

Il est pas chargé dans son asr tu aurais la led d'allumée sur le panneau instrument.. par contre je lis FX dual delays.. Il se sert de l'effet du asr et il joue en midi.. mais quel son je ne sais pas


En midi thru du coup 🤔

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il y a 44 minutes, mustang29 a dit :

Pourquoi Midi Thru ? il joue en midi et le son passe dans son ASR avec l'effet Dual Delays


Je voulais dire in je sais pas pourquoi je disais thru autant pour moi

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il y a une heure, Hokkaido a dit :

Can somebody make audio examples of the Omnisphere presets? Still not enough money to buy Omnisphere 2 and check the presets by myself...  😅


If you got Windows I can send you the link to buy it legally 👀

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il y a 50 minutes, FatLazyDudde a dit :

What's up guys.

The main bass lead in radio is Tribalism from Omnisphere:
And the solo lead I'm not sure but it sounds like it. Fair and Square Lead 1 from Omnisphere:


Thank you for this, i update the first post with thoses samples :wub:

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Il y a 8 heures, FatLazyDudde a dit :

Okey dokey guys. 
Is that possible that 7-8 CHUGGIE from Distorted reality can be that clanky drum noice in second verse.


Here is live version of that song where you can hear that sample more clear.


This beat sounds a lot like the Chug Sweeper from Hallelujah

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