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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

Don't worry nobody is denying that, Atomik just pointed the fact that the first person who discovered that sample noticed it in a live ^^

But yeah the first post have to be updated.


D'ailleurs Atom' tu devrais editer le premier post pour ce sample, il est bel et bien dans la version studio et tout les lives qui ont suivi comme le dit le monsieur :3

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il y a 15 minutes, Reiselied a dit :

D'ailleurs Atom' tu devrais editer le premier post pour ce sample, il est bel et bien dans la version studio et tout les lives qui ont suivi comme le dit le monsieur :3


Yep je vais éditer ça tout à l'heure ^_^

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Okay j'ai trouvé un truc interressant, on touche a la partie DEMO de Rammstein du coup

Okay i found out something interesting, who is about the DEMO era of Rammstein




Ils ont utilisé un expandeur percussion ALESIS D4 custom (finition bois, stickers rouges et logo rouge au lieu de bleu) pour la phase demo d'Herzeleid.

They used a Drums Sound Module called ALESIS D4 (This one seems custom, wooden parts, red stickers, red logo) for the Herzeleid demos.


J'ai récupéré la banque de son, je vais voir si il y'as du matos gardé pour les albums quelque part ^^

I just got the sound bank, i'm going to see if there is any interesting stuff related to the albums there ^^


EDIT : je confirme y'as des percus d'Herzeleid et Sehnsucht la dedans, y'en a qui on été beaucoup distordus mais tu reconnais les parts assez facilement.

Herzeleid/Sehnsucht drum sounds found, some of them are heavily distorded, but you can recognize some pretty easily.



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Le 18/08/2018 à 19:05, Phaeton a dit :

Bell from FIP: FM8 - Arcadia (changed)




In this sample: Original record (with cuted guitars), clear preset "Arcadia", changed preset "Arcadia" 



Guys, this one was mistake.. it's edited "Glass Vibes"  from Omnisphere. Atomiiik please fix it



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Le lead de Allesfresser c'est Angry Torched Lead Bender non? Tägtgren l'utilise dans 2/3 de ses chansons donc ça ne m'étonnerait pas que ce soit ça :p


Il est juste pitché assez haut, le solo, le glide et le delay ont été retirés je crois

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bonjour monsieurs!

does anyone know the name of the patch that flake is using at the intro of KEINE LUST @ ECHO 2005? besides the piano.

it sounds a lot like the "whistlers" from omnisphere.....but.......its weirdly layered, so i think its something else.



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Le 10/10/2018 à 02:51, Fleischgewehr a dit :

bonjour monsieurs!

does anyone know the name of the patch that flake is using at the intro of KEINE LUST @ ECHO 2005? besides the piano.

it sounds a lot like the "whistlers" from omnisphere.....but.......its weirdly layered, so i think its something else.



Tape Choir preset from MicroKorg (deep octaves) 

http://www.synthmania.com/Korg microKORG/Audio/Factory Voices/A.58 Tape Choir.mp3

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Un pied dans le sujet et un pied en dehors... 


Les samples "Symphony of voices" de Sonne sont utilisés dans "Courage le chien froussard". 



Les joies des commentaires Youtube, chacun expose ses références ! :lol:

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Ensoniq Masterbit Hotkeys / Voices / MASTERCHOR1... Le gros sample de basse d'intro de Biest ?


(Faut vraiment le mettre au plus grave niveau note et jouer avec le pitch vers le bas)

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Hi guys, I've made a discovery, I think I've found the "possible" synthesizer of Sehnsucht, I've compared the sound of the video with the introduction of Sehnsucht Rammstein Paris and there's a lot of similarity, does anyone know the name of the sound? Does anyone have a Korg M1?
I hope that someone who knows more than I of this and can deepen the subject.

the sound is from minute 1:50


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Il y a 1 heure, Hokkaido a dit :

Synth Guitar 3 from E-MU Classic Series Vol. 13 Dance 2000 was used as 
keyboard solo in Tier (Demo 1994):

Synth Mania / pad:Windy Day and pad:Nyles Noise from E-MU Classic Series Vol. 13 Dance 2000 was used in Nebel


Hi Hokkaido, nice find !

Don't you think the Synth Guitar 3 could be the synth on Biest.. The one who starts here at 4:04 ?



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