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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

Very interesting about intro synth. Track in sequencer named "Talk". Perharps, it's name of preset in some vst, but I checked it in Omnisphere, Massive, FM8 and Absynth and I didn't found something with name "talk". In video Jacob said that "preset taken from..."  and then he said it indistinctly.



On 03.04.2017 at 11:26 PM, Hokkaido said:


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il y a 42 minutes, iljinst a dit :

Very interesting about intro synth. Track in sequencer named "Talk". Perharps, it's name of preset in some vst, but I checked it in Omnisphere, Massive, FM8 and Absynth and I didn't found something with name "talk". In video Jacob said that "preset taken from..."  and then he said it indistinctly.


You have the timeline when he says this :) ? @agenttud, maybe you know what Jacob say at this moment with your two records ?

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I think it's not the final version of ITDW, right ?


Where is the "echo choir" when Till says "Du bist das Schiff ich der Kapitän..." ?


In the final version, its not strings but a synth for the chorus parts ?

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bonjour à tout le monde, le synthie pour PUSSY est FLAMBOYANT TRANCEBOY de Omnisphere. flake a fait un peu avec la synthie, mais je ne sais pas exactement quoi.

J'ai une petite démo fait pour vous tous.




what is tills "bürgermeistervoice" by the way? mayor voice......i would have loved to hear that.


Edited by Fleischgewehr
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Il y a 18 heures, Fleischgewehr a dit :

bonjour à tout le monde, le synthie pour PUSSY est FLAMBOYANT TRANCEBOY de Omnisphere. flake a fait un peu avec la synthie, mais je ne sais pas exactement quoi.

J'ai une petite démo fait pour vous tous.




Hi ! Thanks for this preset, do you have a C5 rip of it or a correct clean version (without the instrumental behind) of the preset please ? Can't find it on my Omnisphere. Welcome to you here ^_^ !

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i am a moron. forgive me, yes, i should have provided you with a pure version. here you all go. 



please notice one thing: 
a) this is not the factory "flamboyant tranceboy" patch. i edited it in omnisphere. but to my ears, it is definately what flake used as the general preset. 

i have not found the one yet that has this clicking sound in the beginning. he mixes at least 2 patches there.

b ) this is a french forum, but i only speak very basic french, so if i stick to english, will this be a problem?

i still would love to know:
where is the original "HOL WEG / sailors" sample from reise reise from? has that been found yet?
the screaming solo in MEIN TEIL. play it backwards, it does sound like a baby whining sample looped. has that been found yet? 



Edited by Fleischgewehr
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il y a une heure, Fleischgewehr a dit :

i am a moron. forgive me, yes, i should have provided you with a pure version. here you all go. 


i still would love to know:
where is the original "HOL WEG / sailors" sample from reise reise from? has that been found yet?
the screaming solo in MEIN TEIL. play it backwards, it does sound like a baby whining sample looped. has that been found yet? 




No, your Pussy and Mein Teil links doesn't works.. Can you upload them again on an other way (Dropbox, Google Drive...) ? Thanks

The sailor sample from Reise, Reise wasn't found actually but maybe they record it by themselves ? We don't know anymore about this sample loop, it's the same for the Mein Teil screaming solo, but please, upload your two samples again.


The Pussy C5 you post is the edited version of the C5 or the original patch in C5 ?


il y a une heure, Fleischgewehr a dit :

I have not found the one yet that has this clicking sound in the beginning. he mixes at least 2 patches there.

B) this is a french forum, but i only speak very basic french, so if i stick to english, will this be a problem?


I think you were good on it, the main lead of Pussy is the Flamboyant Tranceboy, sounds good to me.

It's a french forum but you can talk in english on this topic for the Flake's samples / synth patch here, not a problem ^_^.

Edited by Atomiiik
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i think the mein teil screaming is perhaps homemade. i guess by that time, one of the guys had a baby around in his home ;)

i will now upload the very original patch, and then again, the one i already uploaded, which i edited. (i do not really remember what i edited, i just turned the knobs until it sounded "correct". also, the correct name for it is "flamoboyant tranceboy".

i do have a feeling, the synth for the ICH TU DIR WEH intro, is in omnisphere too.






and here is the original sound of the flamoboyant tranceboy patch, with two C5 notes in the end, one with modwheel down, one with modwheel up.








Edited by Fleischgewehr
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5 hours ago, Fleischgewehr said:

i think the mein teil screaming is perhaps homemade. i guess by that time, one of the guys had a baby around in his home ;)

i will now upload the very original patch, and then again, the one i already uploaded, which i edited. (i do not really remember what i edited, i just turned the knobs until it sounded "correct". also, the correct name for it is "flamoboyant tranceboy".

i do have a feeling, the synth for the ICH TU DIR WEH intro, is in omnisphere too.






and here is the original sound of the flamoboyant tranceboy patch, with two C5 notes in the end, one with modwheel down, one with modwheel up.



Hello! Sounds from Pussy is amazing! But I looked preset tags, and there it's written that sounds from Omnisphere 2 (2015), but Flake wrote this song in 2009, and used Omnisphere 1. I think, that's not original Flake's preset, but sounds very similar. ;)

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Well - Omnispheres patches are consisting of soundsources and older patches from Spectrasonics earlier products. So i assume, it is Spectrasonics anyhow. You sure that this is not a sound that was in Omnisphere 1s library? 2 is just a massive library upgrade to 1, its not entirely new software. 

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il y a 34 minutes, iljinst a dit :

Intro (one from some layers) from studio version "Stein Um Stein" -  {Schwerelos CD>Partition B>FINE ART 3>PERUIAN}




Same folder as the Amour intro synth... And we don't see it before :D ! Thanks

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J'ai le solo de Mein Teil ici (découpé de la chanson originale par Tom Smit), mais en assez bonne qualité pour être réutilisé ! :P Après, je ne sais pas d'où il vient !




Et pareil pour le sample au début de Reise, Reise






Je me demande si tout ce qui est introuvable comme ces samples n'a pas été créé en studio par R+? Ce sont des trucs assez basiques (ok, le solo de Mein Teil nécessite un mix mais c'est vite fait !)

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