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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

Some more from DATAFILE 2:


Track 36-01 - Howling sound in Bett in Flammen:


Track 38-04 - Synth Bass in NEBEL (?)

Track 50-06 - Dolphin sound in HAIFISCH (middle part)

Track 51-06 - Whale sounds in WIENER BLUT (whining)



It's also possible that some whale parts from Track 51 are used in 5/4 and middle part of Haifisch

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Il y a 7 heures, Hokkaido a dit :

Track 50-06 - Dolphin sound in HAIFISCH (middle part)


I've listening this three days ago, there's a lot of deep sounds wirh revern like whales / dolphin but i'm not sure he used this on Haifisch.

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Il y a 5 heures, Atomiiik a dit :


I've listening this three days ago, there's a lot of deep sounds wirh revern like whales / dolphin but i'm not sure he used this on Haifisch.


For sure. The Dolphin sound in the middle part is unmistakable.


Bett in Flammen intro: Maybe the Datafile sample is looped at some point. It's too similar

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16 hours ago, Atomiiik said:

Le choir qui joue avec le pitch vers 0:26 et également à la suite comme à 1:15 ce serait pas celui dont je parlais ? Le Track 76/05 sur Zero-G Datafile 3.


This is wrong sample. In Weisses Fleisch Flake used "one-note" synth pad, because he plays it in minor and major positions (in 76/03 Zero-G Datafile 3 sample has minor position). Original pad of Weisses Fleisch we can hear also in multitrack-version of Du Hast. 


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Dites voir, j'avais noté Org The Rink pour Engel sans vérifier parce qu'à l'époque mon CD16 de L'ASR ne passait plus sur Kontakt mais finalement... C'est pas le preset de l'outro D'Amerika sur le MIG Tour ?

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