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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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"Whaap" from "Du Hast" - Track 38 in  "Zero-G Datafile" VOL.1


Hit from "Laichzeit" and from Sehnsucht - Track 49 in  "Zero-G Datafile" VOL.1


Sample from intro "Bestrafe Mich" - Track 97 in  "Zero-G Datafile" VOL.1

Edited by iljinst
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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

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Je testerais ce soir, mais si on parle du solo de FIP avec la disto c'est fait avec le Ensoniq, aucune chance de trouver le son original sans ce synthé.


On peut s'en approcher, mais c'est pas pareil.

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hi, somebody is there..?? :blink: I need help with some samples..


- ENGEL Solo


- Explotion Effect in the last part of FEUER FREI

- Voices like a public in ICH WILL, not the woman voice

- Samples of ASCHE ZU ASCHE



Sorry for asking so much but, i am new in this...  :oops:  For the moment only that.. I try with a friends a Tribute..!! :yeahhh: And sorry too for the english, i from venezuela.!

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hi, somebody is there..?? :blink: I need help with some samples..

- ENGEL Solo


- Explotion Effect in the last part of FEUER FREI

- Voices like a public in ICH WILL, not the woman voice

- Samples of ASCHE ZU ASCHE


Sorry for asking so much but, i am new in this... :oops: For the moment only that.. I try with a friends a Tribute..!! :yeahhh: And sorry too for the english, i from venezuela.!

I know the hammond organ from Asche Zu Asche is from an ASR-10 soundbank (i don't know where i can find it). Can you give me the timeline for the Engel solo please. For the Amerika solo i think it's from a old logic pro version or the microkorg soundbank (Flake used it a lot in the Reise, Reise album session).

For the Keine Lust sound, i'm sure it's from the Microkorg soundbank, i haven't it. It's maybe the sound used for it:


Le preset [Tape Choir] utilisé dans Keine Lust pour les choeurs est issu de la Banque son du MicroKorg {BANK A>PROGRAM 5>TAPE CHOIR}.

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I know the hammond organ from Asche Zu Asche is from an ASR-10 soundbank (i don't know where i can find it). Can you give me the timeline for the Engel solo please. For the Amerika solo i think it's from a old logic pro version or the microkorg soundbank (Flake used it a lot in the Reise, Reise album session).

For the Keine Lust sound, i'm sure it's from the Microkorg soundbank, i haven't it. It's maybe the sound used for it:


Le preset [Tape Choir] utilisé dans Keine Lust pour les choeurs est issu de la Banque son du MicroKorg {BANK A>PROGRAM 5>TAPE CHOIR}.


The Engel solo is from 2:42 - 3:02 What is the sample ??

Do yo know a Microkorg soundbank for Kontakt..?

Edited by Joshua
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The Engel solo is from 2:42 - 3:02 What is the sample ??

Do yo know a Microkorg soundbank for Kontakt..?

I have a lot of sounds for Engel but not this one sorry :(.

I've never found a Microkorg soundbank for Kontakt, i will ask if a friend have the hardware synth ;).

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Excuse me again.. But i need some more samples.!!


AMERIKA: Voices like a kids after the solo
BENZIN: I don't have anything, if you know some samples i will be grateful for it
DU RIECHST SO GUT: The effect that begin in 0:01, the voices (chorus), and the string effect (name)
ENGEL: The effect that begin in 0:10 and woman voice
HERZELEID: The solo that begin in 2:02 and the next effect after the solo
ICH WILL: The woman voice
LINKS 2 3 4: The effect in 0:52-0:54
MEIN HERTZ BRENNT: Like BENZIN I don't have anything, i will be grateful for it


Excuse and thaks again.!

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Amerika: Recorded voices

Benzin: Emu-FX Library/Best Service XXLarge 800

Du riescht so gut: ASR-10

Engel: ASR-10 & recorded voices

Herzeleid: ASR-10

Ich Will: Best Service Hallelujah

Links 2-3-4: Ilio TranceFusion

Mein Herz Brennt: Recorded instruments.


I don't have any samples right now but i'll provide some soon.

Edited by SkullX2
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