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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

Happy new year, everybody!


Some news:


The helicopter sound from the Rammstein intro is from a KORG DW-8000 effect:




The sounds are also very similar to some effects in Spiel mit mir / Herzeleid 96 intro and the helicopter sounds in MHB. Maybe the same source?


Can you send link, where you download this samples?

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Petite mise à jour:


La voix arabique de Sehnsucht:



Le Beat de Sehnsucht:



Le son d'intro de Bestrafe Mich:



...proviennent tout trois de la banque de son "Zero-g Datafile"


Les "Zap" de Engel provenant d'un synthé Odyssey:


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Pour Engel, c'est le son blip blop du CD16 Ensoniq ;) sinon nickel pour les autres ^^


Il y a des samples en tout cas qui existent sur d'autres supports, le beat de sehnsucht est également sur un CD Ensoniq.. comme quoi :/

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Hello guys! I found ORIGINAL preset from live intro "Seemann". It`s "Mist" from Ensoniq ASR-10 CDR-1 (CDR1\AS9+13+14 HH\ETHEREAL) .


I know, that maybe "Magic Organ" From "Korg M1", and they similar, but it is not. For example: 


ASR-10 version: 



M1 version: 


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I found sounds from live versiom Stein Um Stein, it's Sample Pool 2 Boo Records/Partition A/XP DANCE D+B/X DNC D+B 2



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I found the source of the "Hit" sample from Engel and Sehnsucht songs! "Zero-G Total House" Sample CD/Track 22 - stabs&splats5/bernstein.wav

It seems like Flake uses Zero-G Librarys more often than we thought.

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I found the source of the "Hit" sample from Engel and Sehnsucht songs! "Zero-G Total House" Sample CD/Track 22 - stabs&splats5/bernstein.wav

It seems like Flake uses Zero-G Librarys more often than we thought.

Can you get download link for this library?

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Can't find it anywhere.


I've been looking for it but i can't seem to spot it.


Maybe you need an newer version of Massive, the 1.4 i think.


I had check the preset, you really think its this sound ?



Au passage,


Peut être qu'il faudrait chercher ou trouver les premières versions d'absynth 1 & 2 (période 2001-2004), on peut surement y trouver des choses intéressantes..

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