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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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Very nice!

What did you use for Das alte Leid solo? The distorted air choir from the ASR-10 library?

And what about the choir in Morgenstern? Symphony of Voices?

And the theremin from Absynth?


Here's by the way the Soundtrack preset from Roland D-50:



Nope, for the Das alte Leid solo, I created my own patch in Omnisphere, for the Choir I used "Choir Full Vibrato Light" from Omnisphere and yes, for the synth solo I used the Mysteroids patch from Absynth. I'd like to chat with you real time, could you send me a private message to give me your Facebook or Steam so we could communicate? :D

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

Some updates to keep the thread alive:


I found the scream (which is actually a distorted wolf howling + reverb) and the Hey! Hey! for Benzin:




They can be found on SAMPLE POOL 2 - a very famous German sample CD from 1993 by Boo Records.


Edited by Hokkaido
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Je t'envoie ça ce soir sans problème Brenkiller ! Oui ma messagerie RammsteinWorld est pleine, désolé ;) !

Du nouveau et aussi des samples qu'on avais déjà et leurs origines: Tous trouvés dans un CD (Akai Emu FX).

Lien d'écoute:


AKAI CD > Partition A / XP Space-FX / X Space FX1 : Rammstein Demo / Sample Hélicoptère.

AKAI CD > Partition A / XP Dance-FX / X Dance FX1: Hilf Mir Sample. (Comme celui de Vengeance FX) ?

AKAI CD > Partition A / X Dnc D+B 2 / XP Dance-D+B / X Dnc D+B 2: Stein Um Stein & Rosenrot (Sample vocal)

AKAI CD > Partition B / XP Alarms / X Alarms: Feuer Frei Sirène Sample

AKAI CD > Partition C / XP Voice-FX / X Voice-FX:

- Cri de Mein Teil (Avant le refrain)

- Sample électro de Mein Teil (Joué avant le premier couplet).

- Gémissement féminin Zerstören

Akai CD > Partition ? / / : (Crash de voiture Der Meister, je retrouverais la partition à l'occasion) !

AKAI CD > Partition B / XP Weird 3-4 / X Weird FX3 : Benzin (LIFAD Tour Intro) Noise Sample.

AKAI CD > Partition B / XP Weird 3-4 / X Weird FX3 : Benzin/B******** Wolf Sample.

AKAI CD > Partition C / XP Noise 3-4 / X Noise-FX 4: Wiener Blut MIG 2013 Intro (Bass Drum)

Edited by Atomiiik
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Partiton E : X-REAL MIX3 : ça serait pas les sons de revolvers au début de Te Quiero puta ?


Je viens de vérifier, ça m'a l'air proche mais pas tout à fait ça, c'est compliqué à définir avec tous les cuivres sur la chansons qui y sont en même temps.

Il me semble qu'on peut aussi entendre le premier X Weird-FX3 sur B********


Celui qui est sur la note F#3 ?

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Désolé du double post mais j'ai fait ça pour Kokain avec l'ASR-10 ;).




Very nice!

Is the dry sample the Air Choir again? Like in Alter Mann or Frühling in Paris solo?


Here are the Benzin samples from Sample Pool 2:






The "Hey!" needs a Pitchbending effect

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Very nice!

Is the dry sample the Air Choir again? Like in Alter Mann or Frühling in Paris solo?


Here are the Benzin samples from Sample Pool 2:






The "Hey!" needs a Pitchbending effect


Thank you !

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  • 2 months later...

Found some more:


VFX1 Tonal FX 14 G# - Distorted break in "Wiener Blut" (Willkommen...in der Dunkelheit)


VFX1 Tonal FX 40 B - Ghostly reverse FX in "Hilf mir"



Are you really sure for Wiener blut ?


In live the sample is longer for me ... any idea ? i tried an EQ or filter but it doesn't sound perfect for me :(

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