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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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6 hours ago, mikelorenz said:









Maybe some of these voices were used in weisses fleisch?

Flake did not use a Korg M1. To me it's from an AKAI library.

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

Le 23/11/2024 à 04:12, TILDE a dit :

FAT HORNS by Omnisphere in Keine Lust Bridge Lead ?




This fits pretty well, nice for covers for thoses who don't have an Ensoniq sampler but it's the known Alphorn sample ^_^


Flake Lorenz stuff, for Alle Jahre Wieder Flake sampled the Junge, Komm Bald Wieder song of Freddy Quinn



Also, the song Süßer die Glocken Nie Klingen contains speech samples of:


Walter Ulbricht (from 15 June 1961): Ich verstehe Ihre Frage so, dass es in Westdeutschland Menschen gibt, die wünschen, dass wir die Bauarbeiter der Hauptstadt der DDR dazu mobilisieren, eine Mauer aufzurichten.

Walter Ulbricht (from 15 June 1961): Niemand hat die Absicht, eine Mauer zu errichten.

John F. Kennedy (from 26 June 1963): Ich bin ein Berliner.

Erich Honecker (from 19 January 1989): Die Mauer wird in 50 und auch in 100 Jahren noch bestehen bleiben.

Monday demonstrations in East Germany in 1989/1990: Wir sind das Volk!

Günter Schabowski (9 November 1989): Das tritt nach meiner Kenntnis... ist das sofort, unverzüglich

Erich Mielke (from 13 November 1989): Ich liebe doch alle, alle Menschen ... Ich liebe doch, ich setze mich doch dafür ein.


Thanks to Rammwiki for this, i will add a new section and audios later today or this week-end.


Any guesses on the beat loop and exact Casiotone used here ?



Edited by Atomiiik
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Flake add a game at this link: https://game.flake-feiert-weihnachten.de/


if you win the first place until the 23th december include, you win a signed christmas gift from him. By the way, is there any way to download the flash game to keep it even after the event ? I didn't found any way to do it, it's not synth related but a cool topic i think. Also, i would like to add it into my arcade game machine ^_^


I was just able to download the font from the game page, available here: Font

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Il y a 18 heures, Atomiiik a dit :

Flake add a game at this link: https://game.flake-feiert-weihnachten.de/


if you win the first place until the 23th december include, you win a signed christmas gift from him. By the way, is there any way to download the flash game to keep it even after the event ? I didn't found any way to do it, it's not synth related but a cool topic i think. Also, i would like to add it into my arcade game machine ^_^


I was just able to download the font from the game page, available here: Font

J'ai rien bité au jeu 😂

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il y a 47 minutes, TomR a dit :

J'ai rien bité au jeu 😂


Il faut faire le plus gros score, pour gagner il faut cumuler le plus de points en évitant tout ce qui tombe du ciel, au moindre coup la partie s'arrête mais il y a aussi des bonus:


Ces étoiles te donnent 100points:



Ce bouclier te rends invulnérable au prochain coup que tu prendras uniquement:



Ce panneau transforme la moto en traineau de Père Noël:



Et c'est seulement dans ce cas tu peux ramasser les cadeaux ect... Qui tombent du ciel, ça donne pas mal de point dans cette phase. À la fin de la phase en traineau tu redeviens vulnérable au moindre coup jusqu'au prochain bonus de ce type, aussi la musique change quand tu est en traineau.


J'ai mis tous les assets images et audio du jeu ici ☺️

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Hello! I'm currently working on Heirate Mich and I'm having problems with the lead bass, I'm sure of one thing, that it's a moog bass, maybe someone has a similar preset with filters and could help me with a part?) I saw a choir here, but it's in mono, the original is spread, is there have anyone a stereo sample?

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7 hours ago, NazgulBT said:

Hello! I'm currently working on Heirate Mich and I'm having problems with the lead bass, I'm sure of one thing, that it's a moog bass, maybe someone has a similar preset with filters and could help me with a part?) I saw a choir here, but it's in mono, the original is spread, is there have anyone a stereo sample?

I was also working on this synth, I tried to do something similar with Discovery Pro


Edited by mikelorenz
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17 hours ago, NazgulBT said:

Hello! I'm currently working on Heirate Mich and I'm having problems with the lead bass, I'm sure of one thing, that it's a moog bass, maybe someone has a similar preset with filters and could help me with a part?) I saw a choir here, but it's in mono, the original is spread, is there have anyone a stereo sample?

It uses Ensoniq and post production effects, plus there's also a layered Mellotron strings with the choir. For the synth bass, it is probably from an AKAI or something, because in some live shows of 1994 Flake only used an Ensoniq EPS-16 Plus, sometimes his ASR-10r, and the synth bass used in Heirate Mich was different, so, maybe AKAI.

Edited by DuduMil
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8 hours ago, DuduMil said:

Он использует Ensoniq и пост-продакшн эффекты, плюс есть также наложенные струнные Mellotron с хором. Для синтезаторного баса, это, вероятно, AKAI или что-то в этом роде, потому что на некоторых живых выступлениях 1994 года Флэйк использовал только Ensoniq EPS-16 Plus, иногда свой ASR-10r, а синтезаторный бас, используемый в Heirate Mich, был другим, так что, возможно, AKAI.

Thanks for the answer! I'll have to make the bass myself then. Is the Mellotron the same as in DRSG?

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il y a une heure, mikelorenz a dit :

Omnisphere 2/Ambient Space Piano


Piano in halloman introduction?




It's not a piano but Richard, sounds like a piano too but it's a guitar

Edited by Atomiiik
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5/4 R-A-M-M-S-T-E-I-N Letters


EMU CD - Wall of Sounds vol3 (my AKAI S3200XL reads EMU and Roland CD's)


Preset : Kraftwerk

Edited by mustang29
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