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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

il y a 8 minutes, mikelorenz a dit :

In Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da there is a cartoon sound before the guitar solo, what do you think?






I always thinked it was made with the guitar but your probably right, for the 5/4 whistle i don't know what to think about this but it sounds exact to me... As the Korg Wavestation preset too 😂

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7 hours ago, Atomiiik said:


I always thinked it was made with the guitar but your probably right, for the 5/4 whistle i don't know what to think about this but it sounds exact to me... As the Korg Wavestation preset too 😂

Imo it is from the Nord Lead for sure, I can't seem to find any picture of Flake with a Korg Wavestation in studio during Mutter, and the one from the Nord Lead sounds way closer than the Korg Wavestation one.

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Guys, I wanted to share this with you, I was listening to the center channel of the LAB and I noticed that in Tier, in the part where the Thremin plays, there are strings in the background, maybe Flake uses the same Engel strings.


What do they say?


By the way I had to modify the preset filter.



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Il y a 5 heures, mikelorenz a dit :



Guys, I wanted to share this with you, I was listening to the center channel of the LAB and I noticed that in Tier, in the part where the Thremin plays, there are strings in the background, maybe Flake uses the same Engel strings.


What do they say?


By the way I had to modify the preset filter.




Difficult to say, but it works. In the studio version, those strings are different - they have more of a elastic/synthetic stinger / stab / pad character. Maybe something from Nord Lead?


Engel strings have a very fluffy Mellotron taste. 


I hope they'll be found one day, because I really like them



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58 minutes ago, Atomiiik said:

We already said few years ago this Mixed Strings were used in live for Engel but for the studio version of Tier it's different yes, maybe Roland ?

Surely Peter Siedlaczeks Orchestra disc.

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Le 13/07/2011 à 17:42, Atomiiik a dit :

Hors Albums:


Le preset [Alert The Fleet] alarme sur l'intro du Made In Germany Tour {Spectrasonics Omnisphere}.


Le preset [Choir Full Swell Ohs-Ahs] un des choeurs de l'intro du Made In Germany MIG Tour {Spectrasonics Omnisphere}.


Peut-être que la question a déjà été posée, auquel cas je m'excuse d'avance, mais j'aimerais savoir si les autres presets utilisés pour l'intro du MIG Tour sont disponibles ? J'aimerais la récréer en plus courte pour un projet.


Merci beaucoup !

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il y a 2 minutes, DHMR a dit :

Peut-être que la question a déjà été posée, auquel cas je m'excuse d'avance, mais j'aimerais savoir si les autres presets utilisés pour l'intro du MIG Tour sont disponibles ? J'aimerais la récréer en plus courte pour un projet.


Merci beaucoup !


Il y a juste un choeur de fairlight en plus mais pareil on l'a trouvé aussi et a servit sur Sonne, sans ça rien de nouveau

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il y a 15 minutes, Atomiiik a dit :


Il y a juste un choeur de fairlight en plus mais pareil on l'a trouvé aussi et a servit sur Sonne, sans ça rien de nouveau


Merci pour ta réponse ! Est-ce que les fichiers sont disponibles comme pour les deux premiers ?

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il y a 3 minutes, DHMR a dit :

Merci pour ta réponse ! Est-ce que les fichiers sont disponibles comme pour les deux premiers ?


Yep, ici



Le 13/07/2011 à 17:42, Atomiiik a dit :

Le preset [FairlightVOX] est utilisé pour les chœurs live sur Sonne, MIG Tour {Rubber Chicken Software Sample Bank>ENSONIQ>TS-10>FAIRLIGHTVOX}.


Ce choeur a servit sur l'intro de la tournée aussi

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Il y a 14 heures, mikelorenz a dit :



Perhaps this drum sample was used in ¨Der Meister¨ at the (Bizarre Festival). What do you think?




I think you're right, nice finding 🤩 !


Today, Flake's wife published a photo of their dog on the Flake music room, we can see few stuff here and a project seems to be opened on the Mac




We can see the Casiotone MT-65:




an Ibanez DM-1000 Delay Rack




A Worlde Easykey 25 from Aliexpress 😂






For the keyboard / piano under the dog's paw i don't know wich one it is, is this Logic Pro on the Mac's screen ? 🤷‍♂️

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Il y a 11 heures, RammKeyboardFann a dit :

Did we found the baby sample of das alte leid XD????

Le 08/12/2021 à 21:32, Hokkaido a dit :


Can't remember. I guess some old fan chat/Interview/Forum Post. But I'm pretty sure it was Till's voice 


So the baby cry is a pitched version of Till's laughter or voice? Or was it something different?


Is it the same for the Mein Teil solo?


And: Did we ever get that weird distorted scream solo in Benzin cleared up?

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27 minutes ago, Hokkaido said:


Is it the same for the Mein Teil solo?

Nope, Flake said to a fan that commented here in the forum that it was recorded in studio with people of the choir crew of Reise Reise. Just by listening to the song you notice that it is a girl screaming with saturation.

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