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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

Il y a 10 heures, feuerfrei2008 a dit :

Guitar in Benzin demo from MTron > Guitar > Vibrato Guitar Wide Dyn



We need an access, can you please set it has available without access requests please ? For your sci-fi zap sample of Schwarzes Glas it's the same one we found on Zero-G Datafile 1, yours seems in better quality, does this comes from a sample CD or from an available Konkakt library ?

Edited by Atomiiik
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Le 05/09/2023 à 20:09, SkullX2 a dit :

Quoi qu'il en soit!


J'ai ré-écouter Nebel et je voulais avoir votre avis. J'ai retrouvé un son identique pour les harmoniques à la guitare.


[Spectrasonics Hans Zimmer Guitars>PARTITION D>JC-HARMONICS]




Ou alors est-ce joué par un des guitaristes?


Je dirais que c'est fait par Richard mais cela dit le sample est fort ressemblant, dans le bénéfice du doute je l'ajoute en première page, si tu as le disque en iso d'ailleurs ou en librairie Kontakt à tout hasard stp que je puisses extraire ça pour les samplers ;)

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5 hours ago, Atomiiik said:


Je dirais que c'est fait par Richard mais cela dit le sample est for ressemblant, dans le bénéfice du doute je l'ajoute en première page, si tu as le disque en iso d'ailleurs ou en librairie Kontakt à tout hasard stp que Я могу сделать больше для сэмплеров;)

Oh, sorry, here is new link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_lDxR5xpDLgLzfQ61mAgqe_6l7HcTr-D/view?usp=drivesdk

About the sample from Schwarzes Glas. I think flake could use the EMU emulator II library. We need to check it for the presence of other samples and presets

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4 hours ago, feuerfrei2008 said:

Oh, sorry, here is new link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_lDxR5xpDLgLzfQ61mAgqe_6l7HcTr-D/view?usp=drivesdk

About the sample from Schwarzes Glas. I think flake could use the EMU emulator II library. We need to check it for the presence of other samples and presets

The sample of schwarzes glas is also present in Zero G Datafile 1, which is a disk that Flake used in studio, he most likely used that one.

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On 9/5/2023 at 4:40 PM, mustang29 said:

With covid he worked from home for sure… almost sure he recorded himself the parts he want with the asr and sent the tracks for mastering. Hidden on the web you can find not finalized songs from the Untitled album.. and the asr was not recorded yet.. 🤫


he imported ASR samples into nord stage EX only for live sessions


lugen is Best Harp from Wall of sounds cd1 for sure !

I forgot to reply to this one, so...

Well, they started the records of Zeit in October 2020, after COVID-19 started to take over the world, and they were in studio at that time, so, it was a bit difficult to them to go back home, I mean, I know they have private jets and shit, but still. Sadly, I'm sure that Flake didn't use his ASR in this album. I only believe that it was used in some demos, and it was surelly used in the Untitled album, for WIL, and Hallomann.

For Lügen, just by listening to the song, you notice that it isn't Best Harp, the one in Lügen sounds too realistic to be Best Harp, I'm 99.9% sure that it's from the Nord Sample Library 2.0.

Yes, of course he wouldn't use his ASR in live, to preserve it, and it's obsolete to this days.

For the E-MU Emulator II, it was sampled in a lot of sample disks, but, it was a bit famous in the 80's, so, maybe Flake used one? We have to check pictures and videos of their studio of that era.

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Il y a 3 heures, DuduMil a dit :

I forgot to reply to this one, so...

Well, they started the records of Zeit in October 2020, after COVID-19 started to take over the world, and they were in studio at that time, so, it was a bit difficult to them to go back home, I mean, I know they have private jets and shit, but still. Sadly, I'm sure that Flake didn't use his ASR in this album. I only believe that it was used in some demos, and it was surelly used in the Untitled album, for WIL, and Hallomann.

For Lügen, just by listening to the song, you notice that it isn't Best Harp, the one in Lügen sounds too realistic to be Best Harp, I'm 99.9% sure that it's from the Nord Sample Library 2.0.

Yes, of course he wouldn't use his ASR in live, to preserve it, and it's obsolete to this days.

For the E-MU Emulator II, it was sampled in a lot of sample disks, but, it was a bit famous in the 80's, so, maybe Flake used one? We have to check pictures and videos of their studio of that era.


I remember an old forum post (synthesizerforum.de?) where somebody sold an old Emu Emax which was owned by Flake. But this post is many, many years old and disappeared

Edited by Hokkaido
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7 hours ago, DuduMil said:

I forgot to reply to this one, so...

Well, they started the records of Zeit in October 2020, after COVID-19 started to take over the world, and they were in studio at that time, so, it was a bit difficult to them to go back home, I mean, I know they have private jets and shit, but still. Sadly, I'm sure that Flake didn't use his ASR in this album. I only believe that it was used in some demos, and it was surelly used in the Untitled album, for WIL, and Hallomann.

For Lügen, just by listening to the song, you notice that it isn't Best Harp, the one in Lügen sounds too realistic to be Best Harp, I'm 99.9% sure that it's from the Nord Sample Library 2.0.

Yes, of course he wouldn't use his ASR in live, to preserve it, and it's obsolete to this days.

For the E-MU Emulator II, it was sampled in a lot of sample disks, but, it was a bit famous in the 80's, so, maybe Flake used one? We have to check pictures and videos of their studio of that era.

I Agree With The Best Harp Sounds Way Too Realistic

Edited by RammKeyboardFann
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Il y a 3 heures, feuerfrei2008 a dit :

Track 24 > 2407R FX-VOX from X-static goldmine sound similar to Mann Gegen Mann sample but most likely it's not him




Recently i saw this comment on a Youtube video, probably the sample come from the same soundsource as this videogame, but i don't know wich one 🤔.




Flake used a Roland JP-8000 during the Magdalene Keibel Combo show tribute to Aljoscha the 19th december 2000






Fun fact, i asked ChatGPT earlier this year with wich hardware stuff Flake made or probably made the DRSG intro loop and ChatGPT replied "JP-8000", we never knew he got one before 🤔.


We talked about the JP-800 fzw years ago for the Alter Mann demo Metal Wind from the JP-800 but it's not good, Alter Mann windy sample was made with the metallic hit sample used in Alter Mann demo too from Zero-G

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il y a 14 minutes, Atomiiik a dit :


Recently i saw this comment on a Youtube video, probably the sample come from the same soundsource as this videogame, but i don't know wich one 🤔.




Flake used a Roland JP-8000 during the Magdalene Keibel Combo show tribute to Aljoscha the 19th december 2000






Fun fact, i asked ChatGPT earlier this year with wich hardware stuff Flake made or probably made the DRSG intro loop and ChatGPT replied "JP-8000", we never knew he got one before 🤔.


We talked about the JP-800 fzw years ago for the Alter Mann demo Metal Wind from the JP-800 but it's not good, Alter Mann windy sample was made with the metallic hit sample used in Alter Mann demo too from Zero-G


ChatGPT is always wrong with Hardware questions 😅 The JP8000 was released in late 1996, DRSG in 1994

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il y a 1 minute, Hokkaido a dit :

ChatGPT is always wrong with Hardware questions 😅 The JP8000 was released in late 1996, DRSG in 1994


Oh, didn't checked the release date of the synth, so it's false but maybe Flake used the JP-8000 for more than this show

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10 hours ago, Atomiiik said:


Recently i saw this comment on a Youtube video, probably the sample come from the same soundsource as this videogame, but i don't know wich one 🤔.




Flake used a Roland JP-8000 during the Magdalene Keibel Combo show tribute to Aljoscha the 19th december 2000






Fun fact, i asked ChatGPT earlier this year with wich hardware stuff Flake made or probably made the DRSG intro loop and ChatGPT replied "JP-8000", we never knew he got one before 🤔.


We talked about the JP-800 fzw years ago for the Alter Mann demo Metal Wind from the JP-800 but it's not good, Alter Mann windy sample was made with the metallic hit sample used in Alter Mann demo too from Zero-G

I saw this comment too. I listened to all the sound files of this cat, but there was only a vaguely similar sound like a cat coughing

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