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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

il y a 44 minutes, SkullX2 a dit :



Les choeurs sur la version RMX By Richard Z. Kruspe de Adieu. 


[Omnisphere>Human Voices>Choir Full Ahs - f]


Ah super merci, les strings/hits du remix sont les mêmes que sur You Can't Run Away d'ailleurs (Eastwest Quantum Leap Ra comme War ?)

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A new member here and wanted to thank you all for the fascinating and detailed knowledge about Flake's keyboard sounds.

In order to show my gratitude to the community I thought I could share some information about a few sounds that I recently came across.


Been using the "Slate Digital" synth software "ANA2" for quite some time and after going through the presets, I found almost all the original sounds for "ARMEE DER TRISTEN" except for the arpeggiator that's during the verses and intro section.   


1) The main Lead sound is called "A Beautiful Dread Lead". (Pro Tip: remove the ping pong delay and decrease the reverb a bit and it will sound exactly like the real thing) 

2) The shimmering pad during Pre-Chorus ("Hand in Hand ... ") is called "A New Dawn". It is mixed quietly behind the guitars and drums, but if you listen carefully, you can totally hear it. 

3) The Keyboard solo patch after the first chorus is a sound called "Above All" and can be played with just one finger. 


As a proof I put together a small youtube video where I compere the sounds in solo vs in the mix. 

You can check it out down under: 



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Il y a 6 heures, raunopella a dit :



A new member here and wanted to thank you all for the fascinating and detailed knowledge about Flake's keyboard sounds.

In order to show my gratitude to the community I thought I could share some information about a few sounds that I recently came across.


Been using the "Slate Digital" synth software "ANA2" for quite some time and after going through the presets, I found almost all the original sounds for "ARMEE DER TRISTEN" except for the arpeggiator that's during the verses and intro section.   


1) The main Lead sound is called "A Beautiful Dread Lead". (Pro Tip: remove the ping pong delay and decrease the reverb a bit and it will sound exactly like the real thing) 

2) The shimmering pad during Pre-Chorus ("Hand in Hand ... ") is called "A New Dawn". It is mixed quietly behind the guitars and drums, but if you listen carefully, you can totally hear it. 

3) The Keyboard solo patch after the first chorus is a sound called "Above All" and can be played with just one finger. 


As a proof I put together a small youtube video where I compere the sounds in solo vs in the mix. 

You can check it out down under: 




Hi, i think you'e right for the synth you found, could you record them as .wav with and without the song in a Google drive or something like this, so i can upload them to the first post ;) ? I've never heard about ANA 2, also Corentin Krieg help for some synths parts on Zeit, maybe ANA 2 was his idea and not Flake's one ?

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Il y a 9 heures, raunopella a dit :



A new member here and wanted to thank you all for the fascinating and detailed knowledge about Flake's keyboard sounds.

In order to show my gratitude to the community I thought I could share some information about a few sounds that I recently came across.


Been using the "Slate Digital" synth software "ANA2" for quite some time and after going through the presets, I found almost all the original sounds for "ARMEE DER TRISTEN" except for the arpeggiator that's during the verses and intro section.   


1) The main Lead sound is called "A Beautiful Dread Lead". (Pro Tip: remove the ping pong delay and decrease the reverb a bit and it will sound exactly like the real thing) 

2) The shimmering pad during Pre-Chorus ("Hand in Hand ... ") is called "A New Dawn". It is mixed quietly behind the guitars and drums, but if you listen carefully, you can totally hear it. 

3) The Keyboard solo patch after the first chorus is a sound called "Above All" and can be played with just one finger. 


As a proof I put together a small youtube video where I compere the sounds in solo vs in the mix. 

You can check it out down under: 



Freaking incredible ! Thanks !

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Il y a 1 heure, Hokkaido a dit :

Great find! Just as hidden in a random VST as the Ich tu dir weh preset. Now, of course, the question is: Are there other presets from other songs in it?


Maybe Zick Zack pluck / OK & Armee synthbass ? Also the ANA 2 is on sale for 70% off, ends tommorrow



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12 hours ago, Atomiiik said:


Hi, i think you'e right for the synth you found, could you record them as .wav with and without the song in a Google drive or something like this, so i can upload them to the first post ;) ? I've never heard about ANA 2, also Corentin Krieg help for some synths parts on Zeit, maybe ANA 2 was his idea and not Flake's one ?




I uploaded all 3 sounds (in solo as well as in the mix) to google drive like you asked: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SA-FzTvh08ksmswbDdh2lYAA_uU_j-HF?usp=share_link 


Let me know if the link works. 


By the way - I think I found the arpeggiator patch that's playing during the intro/verse section from ANA 2 as well. 

It is the 2nd preset from ANA 2 and is called "2 Finger Prog". There is however one problem though - Flake has customized the pattern and after trying to tweak the rhythmic pattern for hours I simply haven't been able to replicate it the way it sounds on the record.

Maybe in a few days I might be able to re-create it from scratch, but currently I am a bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of sound tweaking possibilities there. :D


However SLATE has 18 video masterclasses on how to use ANA 2 to it's fullest potential on their youtube channel so maybe this helps: 



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I finally managed to re-create the original arpeggiator in "Armee der Tristen"!!! 

Took me 6 hours of going through tutorials and experimenting with with various parameters in ANA2, but the struggle totally paid off. 


For Atomiiik: the preset is called "2 Finger Prog", but it needs a lot of tweaking in order for it to sound authentic and with correct rhythmic pattern. 


If anyone wants to re-create it in ANA 2, then I did a 5 minute long tutorial video, which you can all watch here on my youtube channel:  


For Atomiiik - I uploaded the wav file to my google drive and it's the first on the list https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SA-FzTvh08ksmswbDdh2lYAA_uU_j-HF 


Have fun everybody! :)



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3 hours ago, iljinst said:

@Atomiiik I think that "A Beautiful Dread Lead" has also been used in Puppe (remember those pitch-down effects in intro?) What do you think?

Don't really think so. 

ANA 2 was released in June 2019. 

The self titled record was recorded in spring 2018 and released before the introduction of ANA2. 

Pretty sure the sound you are talking about is probably from Omnisphere. 

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Il y a 16 heures, iljinst a dit :

@Atomiiik I think that "A Beautiful Dread Lead" has also been used in Puppe (remember those pitch-down effects in intro?) What do you think?


Could be possible, Slate Digital is in the credits of Untitled, Zeit & A Million Degrees too


I also see they used Output Inc softwares, maybe some synths or effects are from this ?







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for the life of me i have not heard of or paid any attention to SLATE DIGITAL. weird. THANK YOU SO MUCH  for finally clearing this up! ANA2 seems to be a bundle of synths, which you can rent as a subscription model.  personally i do not think i will pay any money for another VST because of 2 synth sounds i covet, plus their shit comes with iLok protection and who the fuck needs that. SLATE apparently also has a hardware subdivision called slate audio.

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Bonjour, j'ai un tribute band Rammstein et un claviériste s'est joint à nous récemment, on se penche donc sur les différents samples et sons de Flake pour les reproduire en concert. Nous travaillons presque uniquement sur omnisphere (et le demo de NI FM8) et on essaie donc de les reproduire sur omnisphere. On est pour l'instant parvenu à refaire des sons comme le solo de mann gegen mann mais si parmi vous certains ont réussi à en reproduire d'autres avec omnisphere nous sommes preneur !


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Il y a 3 heures, Fleischgewehr a dit :

for the life of me i have not heard of or paid any attention to SLATE DIGITAL. weird. THANK YOU SO MUCH  for finally clearing this up! ANA2 seems to be a bundle of synths, which you can rent as a subscription model.  personally i do not think i will pay any money for another VST because of 2 synth sounds i covet, plus their shit comes with iLok protection and who the fuck needs that. SLATE apparently also has a hardware subdivision called slate audio.


Hi, i bought the ANA2 and it doesn't need iLok but maybe for others synths or the whole bundle it comes with the iLok ?


To make a good synth/sample hunting we need a Slate Digital bundle sub, Output Inc bundle and a Eastwest bundle too (The one who can come with a 3To HDD with each software synths)

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i guess we are talking apples and oranges. i found no way to buy it single on SLATEs website. https://www.sonicacademy.com/products/ana-2  this however offers it for 70 bucks, no iLok. 

2 different VSTs called ANA? is that a retail vendor site for slate? 

nevermind. good you bought it, man.

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9 hours ago, Fleischgewehr said:

for the life of me i have not heard of or paid any attention to SLATE DIGITAL. weird. THANK YOU SO MUCH  for finally clearing this up! ANA2 seems to be a bundle of synths, which you can rent as a subscription model.  personally i do not think i will pay any money for another VST because of 2 synth sounds i covet, plus their shit comes with iLok protection and who the fuck needs that. SLATE apparently also has a hardware subdivision called slate audio.


Nobody is forcing you to give your money to Slate Digital. 

As a producer and mixer, I have used Slate's awesome mixing plugins (EQs, compressors, tape machines, mastering plugins etc.) for 6 years and ANA 2 was really a bonus that came later in the timeline. 

If you're going to pay the subscription anyways, why not make the most out of it?

Plus to be honest: the one time purchase business model is slowly but surely being replaced by subscription services anyways.

Universal Audio and Native instruments as well as several other companies are already trying it out so I guess the times are indeed changing and there's nothing we can do about it.  


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@raunopella i wasnt complaining , i just am not buying a new full VST because i want 2 patches out of it. up to this day, i have not even heard about SLATE at all. and yes. "as a service" is becoming the digital new standard. YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU WILL BE HAPPY. there, there. i mean, if it offers "monthly" options, fine by me. doesnt matter if i run a 30 day trial and then no more or if i pay a small amount for 30 days and then i say, cool, i keep paying to use it as long as i want, or, i dont like it, i dont pay. its also more flexible for a pro musician, i guess. you dont have to constantly install and uninstall with full license and all to choose which VST you need right now. 

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Yeah, I also hate Cloud/always online services. Same with Adobe products - absolutely boycotting them. 

In the past you bought the CD and you were done. Now you have to pay infinitely. Fortunately there are alternatives. Nonetheless, thank you so much for discovering and providing the patches..it helps us a lot! 

Unfortunately, you can also see here that Flake's synthesizer and sampling work is now quite interchangeable. Many suggestions from the community here with Omnisphere patches were also very close.

Somehow the playful, crazy unique sounds of the past are missing.

Just think about the Bück dich solo, the Spiel mit mir intro, the aggressive bubbly synths in Feuer frei or the Benzin intro. These are still a mystery and super difficult to simulate...

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Hi guys,

I think the pad after the plucks in the chorus of Zick Zack is the preset "A Strapping Young Pad" of ANA 2 with:


envelope shape and envelope shape 2 at 0  


drift&vibe and space at 1/4


Try this  ;)

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@Hokkaidoman, its like with EVERY tech these days.

gaming is the best example. back then in the olden days, 95 until 2010....the tech wasnt really available and not advanced, not even for the devs, so they had to make it count, because creating their artistic visions was superexpensive with no one to back them up with cash. what happened? DOOM. half-life. GTA. these were hungry guys who wanted to put gaming and themselves out there, on the map. same was with spectrasonics, for instance. the guys who basically invented all these VST toys we so much enjoy. eric persing sat in a music store near a highway, with no customers coming in and he was so bored, he started to patch up those old timey synths with cables, all of them in the whole store, so basically he pressed one key, the whole store started to make sound! thats why we call them "patches", because to create sound on the old synths, you plugged in patch cables. 

after a while when software and desktop PCs were a thing, he wondered, could that be done on CD-ROM, digitally? spectrasonics was born.


now, big publishers and banks back the studios, demand unrealistic deadlines, and especially with the VSTs? the tech is there, its easy to create the software.  the market is oversaturated. as you said so well - doesnt matter which brand you buy, it just sounds the same. same guitars, same choirs - along with outlandish "we recorded this naked and underwater in a radioactive church in the desert" bullshit claims just to stand out. they dont have to put in the efforts the guys at KORG or ROLAND in the 80s / 90s had to. 

back when ROLAND had a flagship synth out, with super unique new sounds, the guys at KORG got scared because they had to do something even fresher. 


well, it is what it is. i have to say, i LIKE ANA2 A LOT. it sounds superfresh to me, in comparison to massive and omnisphere 2. 



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