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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

OMNISPHERE 2 - Digitalized Square Pluck


for Zick Zack.....its layered with something else. or at least part of the patch used?

as for that transition synth that follows....its definitely not in the OMNI2 "transition" department, i made sure of that, so dont bother.



Edited by Fleischgewehr
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Il y a 4 heures, Fleischgewehr a dit :

OMNISPHERE 2 - Digitalized Square Pluck


for Zick Zack.....its layered with something else. or at least part of the patch used?

as for that transition synth that follows....its definitely not in the OMNI2 "transition" department, i made sure of that, so dont bother.




Maybe it's a part of the Zick Zack square pluck but you accidentally found the Lindemann Mathematik square pluck synth


Here it is

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13 hours ago, Atomiiik said:


Maybe it's a part of the Zick Zack square pluck but you accidentally found the Lindemann Mathematik square pluck synth


Here it is


its impossible not to find OMNI2 in any given production these days, especially in the rammstein universe. its by the best in the field and its used by the b....welll.....i use it too. im not one of the best. :D
and by now i am sure ,in both cases its just that pluck, but its played octavated.

one more fun thing: there is a ZIG ZAG patch in omnisphere 2 :D i almost expected it to be the one from that song. but no.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Il y a 3 heures, Hokkaido a dit :


The choirs behind the lead:

VIB HEAVY A from Symphony of Voices?


Mellotron strings in Angst:

MLTRN STRNG1 from AKAI Library CD 2?

Dont think he still use Akai samplers ?

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il y a 47 minutes, Hokkaido a dit :

Well, it's possible to extract Akai as WAV or Kontakt

Yep... I also found some mellotron on nord stage 2 so its easier for him I guess... 

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Maybe it's this synth (Richard is the seller) for the Armee Der Tristen / OK electro loop & synthbass ?


Or maybe a Trilian arp+bpm was used for OK



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11 hours ago, Atomiiik said:


Massive X ? Omnisphere is not mentionned too

omnisphere is essentially a collection of analog synths and their presets. there may be a lot, but not everything, unfortunately.

we are waiting for version 3, when they will have the ensoniq library

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Il y a 15 heures, Hokkaido a dit :

East West samples:




I'm working with East West libraries since a while and it's my primary source for orchestral/ethnics/airy voices and other sort of sounds, but i didn't recognized any sample for now.


I think i will re-listen the album multiple time and take time note of every weird sample and compare them to the whole libraries ^^

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il y a 29 minutes, Reiselied a dit :


I'm working with East West libraries since a while and it's my primary source for orchestral/ethnics/airy voices and other sort of sounds, but i didn't recognized any sample for now.


I think i will re-listen the album multiple time and take time note of every weird sample and compare them to the whole libraries ^^


Yeah, East West is a strange name dropping. Maybe they used Goliath / Voices of Passion / Apocalypse somehow? Or Stormdrum in Angst?


Most of the synths are pretty "modern Dubstep / EDM" standards - so Omnisphere, Massive or even Nexus/Vengeance samples are my guess

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il y a 18 minutes, Hokkaido a dit :


Yeah, East West is a strange name dropping. Maybe they used Goliath / Voices of Passion / Apocalypse somehow? Or Stormdrum in Angst?


Most of the synths are pretty "modern Dubstep / EDM" standards - so Omnisphere, Massive or even Nexus/Vengeance samples are my guess

I tried Nexus for Armee Der Tristen but the standard presets don’t match the ones of the song 😕


could the Giftig voice be the same as the one used in War of Emigrate?

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EAST WEST > Voices of Passion > America Master


In Zeit certain vowels are recognizable from this library and reinforce the real choir, more noticeable in the ending.

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Back in 2018 i talked a bit with SVH about A Millions Degrees for the synths strings and he told me Richard used strings from East West Quantum Leap Ra. He also tell me two presets used for War, they are in the first page in Emigrate section but i didn't got this VSTi, so i never tried. By the way the "oriental" vocal sample on Giftig seems to be the same used on War. SVH says also in War there was a real singer for this part but it was also mixed with an oriental voice takken from a sample library but he didn't know wich one.


Maybe they used this East West vsti for strings ? Or East West libraries for Angst tribal hits ?

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Le 30/04/2022 à 14:09, Reiselied a dit :

EAST WEST > Voices of Passion > America Master


In Zeit certain vowels are recognizable from this library and reinforce the real choir, more noticeable in the ending.


Tu as des exemples à tout hasard stp ;) ?

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Il y a 3 heures, Reiselied a dit :

Le plus concret c'est celui là https://streamable.com/taax6v pour l'outro. ça colle parfaitement même si clairement la fin du sample a eu son volume baissé (le AAAAAAAAAAAAAH)


Aurais-tu aussi un lien pour télécharger la librairie Voices Of Passion à tout hasard stp (et le nom des samples que tu y as mis dans la vidéo je peux la poster sur Youtube :ph34r: ?


EDIT: En fait ce n'est pas un CD de samples / instruments comme Voices Of Apocalypse ou Voices Of America mais un VSTi à part entière si j'ai bien compris.

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Oui c'est un vsti avec plusieurs sous banques a la Kontakt et c'est inpiratable, c'est un systeme comparable a l'i-lok je sais pas si tu connais, mais c'est très chiant. Puis légalement c'est pas une zone grise comme les cd samples, c'est des banques de sons toujours protégées et vendues actuellement donc meh.

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