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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

il y a une heure, untitled a dit :

Maybe Power Finale from the distorted reality was also used in Mann Gegen Mann - Paris? I'm not sure about note, maybe C5 - C7 



Also I think that origonal lead from Mann Gegen Mann,  which is still not found - the same lead that was used in Ein Lied

The lead is dx16plus from ensoniq library

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Le 30/07/2021 à 20:33, SkullX2 a dit :

Korg a sorti 3 nouveaux VST pour leur Korg Legacy Collection 3 et il y a un preset du Korg Prophecy qui est étonnamment similaire au sifflements sur Engel.


[A05 The Whistler]




Joli, à voir si ça y est aussi dans les banques Korg Triton ect ?




Today i received an Ensoniq SQ1 (Released in 1990), sounds nice and i found one of both samples (in a drum kit) Flake used in the Weisses Fleisch studio, the one i found was used in WF verses and for the studio intro part it was mixed with the synth stab used in Herzeleid + Ensoniq Effect. Flake never own an Ensoniq SQ1 but i expect we can found it in Ensoniq ASR10 CDs or Floppys ?


For the SQ1 the preset was called DRUM 90 - Percussion 1.


Exemple of the instrument preset. / / / I Share a wav file for sampling it guys

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Il y a 12 heures, Atomiiik a dit :


Joli, à voir si ça y est aussi dans les banques Korg Triton ect ?




Today i received an Ensoniq SQ1 (Released in 1990), sounds nice and i found one of both samples (in a drum kit) Flake used in the Weisses Fleisch studio, the one i found was used in WF verses and for the studio intro part it was mixed with the synth stab used in Herzeleid + Ensoniq Effect. Flake never own an Ensoniq SQ1 but i expect we can found it in Ensoniq ASR10 CDs or Floppys ?


For the SQ1 the preset was called DRUM 90 - Percussion 1.


Exemple of the instrument preset. / / / I Share a wav file for sampling it guys


But isn't that sample Digabla?

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il y a 2 minutes, Hokkaido a dit :

But isn't that sample Digabla?


No, Digabla was used a little bit between 1996 / 1997 in live only before the using Nord Lead

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  • 2 weeks later...
il y a une heure, Atomiiik a dit :

Something new, Flake used an Alphorn sample for Keine Lust / Wo Bist Du? Ensoniq distortion, taken from: {AKAI Alpine Instruments>ALPHORN C5>ALPHORN F-1}.


Keine Lust


Wo Bist Du?




So deutsch! #germandidgeridoo

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pas vraiment de rapport avec le sujet, mais j'avais envie de partager.


Pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas se permettre d'avoir un Nord Lead 1, Il existe un VST qui s'appelle Discovery Pro, qui est essentiellement un clone du Nord Lead 2, et il contient tous les sons présents dans le Nord Lead 1, et par extension ceux que Flake a utilisé.



Edited by SkullX2
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1 hour ago, SkullX2 said:

Pas vraiment de rapport avec le sujet, mais j'avais envie de partager.


Pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas se permettre d'avoir un Nord Lead 1, Il existe un VST qui s'appelle Discovery Pro, qui est essentiellement un clone du Nord Lead 2, et il contient tous les sons présents dans le Nord Lead 1, et par extension ceux que Flake a utilisé.





Just tested it. Unfortunately I was unable to load SysEx presets from my Nord Lead 1, the VST loads the files, but it sounds absolutely different as well as I didn't find NL1 factory library there. :(

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Il y a 6 heures, iljinst a dit :


Just tested it. Unfortunately I was unable to load SysEx presets from my Nord Lead 1, the VST loads the files, but it sounds absolutely different as well as I didn't find NL1 factory library there. :(


I got mine from somewhere other than the official website. i can give you the link via DM if you want.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is someone who has clearly found Flakes PUSSY Live Synth Sound!



And still i rise to tell you, the studio version of the Pussy Synth is not Omnisphere - Dancefloor Muscle 1, it is Flamoboyant Tranceboy.... :D

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yeah. thing is, these patches start to sound all alike because if one sound is new and cool, the other companies start imitating it. so that is why that happens. its still the next best closest sound for me to use. i mean, the patch in the video sounds DAMN CLOSE like the one flake uses on stage. but still, we know, he's never used yamaha PSR sounds....so there we go. :mdrrrrrr:

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  • 2 weeks later...



Les choeurs sur l'outro de Pussy (avant le encore sur le LIFAD Tour, à la toute fin du MIG Tour) [Roland VR-760>Choir>Real Choir]




Les choeurs masculins sur l'intro du MIG Tour [Spectrasonics Omnisphere>Human Voices>Choir Full Swell Ohs-Ahs]

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il y a 43 minutes, SkullX2 a dit :



Les choeurs sur l'outro de Pussy (avant le encore sur le LIFAD Tour, à la toute fin du MIG Tour) [Roland VR-760>Choir>Real Choir]




Les choeurs masculins sur l'intro du MIG Tour [Spectrasonics Omnisphere>Human Voices>Choir Full Swell Ohs-Ahs]


Oh, tu as acheté un VR-760 ou tu as des presets au format Kontakt de cette bestiole ? Aussi, aurais-tu ton enregistrement de Pussy pour le choir sans le live par dessus stp ? Superbes trouvailles en tout cas j'ajoute ça en première page sous peu 👌

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