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Les presets synthétiseurs de Christian Flake Lorenz

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Hi there, good awesome news! Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery! Flake took samples out of the famous horror film cl

Giftig wooble bass - Omnisphere - Big Bad Drama Bass. Notes D, D# https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h6_rJIeKl2nvr-RjOSSmVQ_rcYev1gTQ/view?usp=sharing

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1i0CMcChVKXr-S4UU8W_bn26CF4cca3wz   Les "No! et "Yeah!" sur l'intro MIG de Bück Dich.   [Ueberschall Jam-Box>Partition K>VOCAL MIX>24 VOCA

Hi there,
good awesome news!

Watched some horror movies during Easter holidays and just made a pretty funny and amazing discovery!

Flake took samples out of the famous horror film classic EVIL DEAD (1981) (Tanz der Teufel in German)


Around the 08:29 movie mark the "downlifter effect" used in Wilder Wein and Bück dich can be heard :)




Around the 12:53 mark the water dripping sounds and the piano jingle from Wilder Wein was sampled.




My personal favorite: Flake sampled and pitched the laughter from the "Komm mit, ich zeig dir was" guy and used it also in Wilder Wein :D




And it is also possible that Flake sampled the digeridoo-like effect around 46:20 and used it for the Tier 94 intro.  But it could also be the same preset from the Stripped intro? Not sure about that.




Maybe more sounds were sampled and used in Wilder Wein but I immediately recognized those!

Edited by Hokkaido
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What an awesome find! Thank you. :)


Aren't the clonks at the very start of the film snippet for the Tier 94 intro also used somewhere in a live intro or outro of some song? I think of Bück dich live intro Sehnsucht era before the breakbeat starts.


Edited by Rasputin 93
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Il y a 2 heures, Rasputin 93 a dit :

What an awesome find! Thank you. :)


Aren't the clonks at the very start of the film snippet for the Tier 94 intro also used somewhere in a live intro or outro of some song? I think of Bück dich live intro Sehnsucht era before the breakbeat starts.



No problem. I had to share immediately because I was very confused and amused hearing these random "classic Rammstein sounds" in an old horror movie 😄 


For the impact sounds - I think you're right, could have been also sampled. I also heard the hits from LaB Spiel mit mir Intro and Heirate mich in some documentaries some weeks ago. So they are also from a sample library.


So we got Bugs Bunny Cartoons and a horror movie. I wonder what other TV sources Flake sampled...

The laughter in the Spiel mit mir Intro 

has also a "movie"-like sample feeling to it.

Edited by Hokkaido
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Il y a 9 heures, Rasputin 93 a dit :

Agreed about the Spiel mit mir intro. Always reminded me of a typical upper-class party ambiance.

Maybe the moans overlayed during that comes even from the same movie, but a sex scene.


Absolutely! My guess was Eyes Wide Shut but this movie came out 1999 😅 But it must be something in the same vein

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I got a Virus Access A this morning, same version as the one Richard sold on his Reverb shop.. I will use it next week (5/4 bassline / Feuer Frei synthbass, Ich Will sine maybe on this one)


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Il y a 10 heures, untitled a dit :

I'm sure that the original sample is home made


Yeah if you reverse the song, it looks like Till making an orgasm noise lol. But i've found it cool anyway even if it's not this sample !

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16 hours ago, mustang29 said:


Yeah if you reverse the song, it looks like Till making an orgasm noise lol. But i've found it cool anyway even if it's not this sample !

Yes, anyway, your find is very interesting. Where did you find this?

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10 hours ago, Atomiiik said:


Nice, where did you found this ? Can you share the preset / sample name please B)

Sure.  This is the sound from Zero g library 3 - bass 38. But as I said earlier, I have a very strange numbering of presets(I downloaded Zero g libraries from reddit) , so you may not find it under that number, so I recommend just listening to all the presets in the Bass folder.

 By the way, we already have all the sounds from Du riechst so gut, except  the main intro synth, right?

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17 minutes ago, TheKeyboardfucker said:

Nice ! That’s a new VST we can include in the Lindemann library, maybe there are more presets used on the albums listed in it :)

Thanks. It is also worth checking the lead and bass folder in VST Avenger. It may be possible to find the main synth gummi 

See comments under video


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à l’instant, untitled a dit :

By the way, does anyone have ensoniq masterbits hotkeys in nki format?


No, but i have it in .iso (i can sent tou it in message). I'm not sure the Mathematik bell is this one, it sounds more "round"

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7 minutes ago, Atomiiik said:


No, but i have it in .iso (i can sent tou it in message). I'm not sure the Mathematik bell is this one, it sounds more "round"

Maybe, but I am sure that in the VST Avenger possible to change settings of the preset. Regarding Hotkeys, how can I convert iso format to nki, is it possible?

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13 hours ago, untitled said:

Sure.  This is the sound from Zero g library 3 - bass 38. But as I said earlier, I have a very strange numbering of presets(I downloaded Zero g libraries from reddit) , so you may not find it under that number, so I recommend just listening to all the presets in the Bass folder.

 By the way, we already have all the sounds from Du riechst so gut, except  the main intro synth, right?


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I found it by checking the Reddit version and the orignal Zero-G Datafile 3 version, DRSG synthbass is Zero-G Datafile 3 Track62/08.


Virus Access A:


Feuer Frei sine: Preset "D20 Seq"

Spieluhr Bells ?: Preset "B84 Ting RP"

Edited by Atomiiik
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